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Equipments to speed up recovery

At Miran we have a multitude of equipments painstakingly sourced from across the world to help our patients achieve their functional goals and heal better. Our equipments are used in tandem with our therapy and are part of our sessions.


As much as equipments are to there to help people better, it should not become a crutch, the goal is always to be independent and have a quality life.

Treadmill and harness for stroke

Treadmill and Harness​


Harness takes the weight of the patient to reduce the risk of fall and allows the patient to balance training, stepping walking without using any other assisted devices. Gradually as the patient gains confidence and balance, the weight keeps reducing until the patient can do all the activities independently


Used for  - Stroke, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal cord injury, Dystonia

Robotics for balance


The monitor is used to develop balance, co-ordination and equal weight on both the legs and prepare the body to use the right muscles to reduce the risk of fall. It has games to give realtime feedback and make it fun and engaging. 


Used for  - Stroke, Parkinson's, Vertigo and Imbalance

Robotics for balance - Miran
Robotics for physiotherpay - Mirna



This is used to activate paralysed muscles and help recover functional mobility quicker, it helps the patient to have control over their movements and quickens the process of rehabilitation. Daily activities like driving, cooking, kicking, opening doors etc are recreated here.


Used for  - Stroke, Spinal cord injury, Dystonia, Foot drop, Neuropathy 

Virtual reality for balance


This equipment asses balance and gait and gives the therapist a realtime feedback on the weight distribution of the feet which can help to make a precise treatment plan for the patient. It's gamified treatment improves balance, gait and makes the patient aware on how to balance


Used for  - Stroke, Spinal cord injury, Dystonia, Foot drop, Neuropathy, Parkinson's

Virtual reality for balance
Blazepods for Neuro physiotherapy



These are reflex training devices which are used to train the quickness in response and coordination for patients it can be used for hand and leg coordination, different modes are used for different functional goals. 


Used for  - Stroke, Ataxia, Dystonia, Foot drop, Neuropathy, Parkinson's 

Sensory Discs and stones​


These are used for improving and enhancing sensations, proprioception and prepare the patients to walk on uneven ground and different surfaces.


 Used for  - Imbalance, Sensory Neuropathy, Ataxia, Dystonia, Foot drop, Spinal cord injury

Sensory discs for neurophysiotherapy Miran

See how our equipment works and help patients

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